Senior project was all around successful. I finished with a total of 4 sets of fins, or 12 fins. I plan on continuing with the production of making fins as I move into the summer. Without the resources that Proctor has provided me in the past three weeks, I am confident that the work I have accomplished will have a very strong impact on how I will go about working when I return home. Now that I have a solid idea of how to make the fins, I can refine my original business proposal and eventually kickstart JAC. Fins, and who knows, it could be successful or be a total failure. Looking back on the three weeks I had spent working with HDPE plastic, I have definitely strengthened my passion for business and surfing. Growing up I was always told to do something that I love when I get older, and hopefully JAC. Fins can progress and I can truly say that I do something that I love. Senior project has allowed me to turn an idea into reality. I understand that I can not drop everything and pursue JAC. Fins, but there is potential for me to continue chipping away at starting a real business. I am glad that I was able to experience failure while I was a Proctor and use the hundreds of resources that are available to me to strengthen JAC. Fins. The support from teachers and friends is something I will never forget. So many of my friends at Proctor, who surf, have asked if they could get some fins. I would need up to two months to make enough fins to give to my friends. I am excited to see where JAC. Fins will end up after this summer. Senior project has provided me with more than I could ask for. I wish it didn’t have to end but, I have to move on, and I couldn’t think of a better way to leave Proctor than discovering a new passion of mine.
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